
UYM Vice President in the News

UYM Vice President in the News

2022 Dorrie Leader Award Recipient:
‘I am just a small piece of the puzzle’

News Source: York Daily Records

That congenital condition was not surprising when Lizaida Morales’ daughter was born with a heart defect. It had been detected before she was born, and that diagnosis saved her life. Sophia underwent open-heart surgery, a six-hour operation, at 3 days of age. “So, every day I’m reminded of not only how blessed I am to have her here,” the Red Lion resident said, “but also how far we’ve come with science, research, and medical advancements.” She told the story about Sophia at an American Heart Association event, and it was well received.


2018 York, PA Unstoppable You Conference Highlights

Event organizer, motivational speaker, and CEO of Unstoppable You Ministries, Inc., Jennifer Foxworthy, hosted her 18th overall Unstoppable You Conference in York, PA on November 10, 2018. Jennifer was blessed to have an all-star cast of presenters, vendors, and fashion experts that poured out and into all who attended. One of the highlights of the conference is the fashion makeover of four homeless men and women. This amazing highlight video was produced by OvR10 Productions, LLC.

2019 SOMD Unstoppable You Conference Highlights

You are in for a life changing treat! Founder and President of Unstoppable You Ministries, Inc., Jennifer Foxworthy, hosted the 2019 Southern Maryland Unstoppable You Conference on Saturday, March 23rd at Calvert High School. This video highlights the amazing presenters, vendors, audience, testimonials, and the fashion makeovers for four homeless women. To learn more about this empowering conference, visit:

Thank you to all who attended this event and supported in such a dynamic way. A huge thank you goes to OVR10 Productions for this phenomenal video.

UYM Silent Chair Exhibit

This video is a compilation of pictures of the Unstoppable You Ministries Silent Chair Exhibit. This unique exhibit reserves a seat while displaying the stories of domestic violence victims that didn’t survive. UYM, is passionate about being a voice for the voiceless. It’s our goal to bring awareness to intimate partner violence through this heartbreaking but impactful video.

To learn more about the mission and vision of Unstoppable You Ministries, visit


Unstoppable You Safety and Self-Defense Workshop

Unstoppable You Ministries, Inc provides information, awareness, and supportive resources concerning domestic violence, human trafficking, and homelessness to communities around the country. One of the ways we help educate and empower the community is through our unique workshops and conferences. This video highlights our Safety and Self-defense Workshop we hosted on March 7, 2020 in Southern Maryland. The goal of the workshop was to help promote healthy relationships as well as improve situational and self-survival awareness. Our organization enjoys collaborating with other amazing agencies in order to be a valuable resource in each community. For this event, we collaborated with Faith Bible Church in Mechanicsville, MD, Southern Maryland Center for Family Advocacy, Independent Pro Elerie Thomas of Damsel in Defense, Compassionate Entrepreneur Brynn Whitehurst of Trades of Hope, Glenn Miller of Miller’s Tang Soo Do Institute, Inc., Calvert County Crisis Intervention Center, Inspirationally Speaking, LLC, and the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office. Topics covered were: Teens and Social Media Safety Awareness, Self-survival Principles and Techniques, Safety and Self-defense from a Biblical Perspective, Teen Dating Violence Awareness, Teen Safety Awareness, and a panel discussion with presenters. To find out more about Unstoppable You Ministries, Inc., please visit our website: or email us: [email protected].


Modern Day Slavery

Unstoppable You Ministries Inc. is a nonprofit 501c3 organization that provides supportive resources to the community, especially those affected by domestic violence, human trafficking, and homelessness so they can whole and healthy lives. January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month and UYM collaborated with Jennifer Edwards, the Director of the Crisis Intervention Center and Safe Harbor, to educate and empower viewers about this national nightmare. In this brief video, Jennifer gives a heartfelt call to action for us to know the signs and be a part of the solution to combat the horrible epidemic of modern day slavery called human trafficking.